Bliss Blueprint

Bliss Blueprint

6 weeks

Program Structure:

- 6 modules, one released each week

- Accompanying workbooks, guided audio meditations and action steps for each module


Week 1: Honoring Your Present Reality

Week 2: Aligning with Your Future Vision

Week 3: Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Week 4: Nurturing New Habits

Week 5: Mastering Energy Management

Week 6: Yielding to Your Integrated Self


- Deeper dive into the H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. method

- Flexible learning structure for busy professionals

- Personalized support through Q&A calls

- Community support and networking opportunities

Problems Solved:

- Provides tools for managing work-related stress

- Addresses challenges of maintaining health while pursuing career goals

- Offers strategies for better work-life balance

Ready to Transform Your Life? Let's Connect

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